'The Weight I Carry' and ' Gone; not Begotten'
Jan 18 - Feb 1, 2014. Front Gallery curated by Michael Carolan. Back Gallery, Giordano Biondi.
Rear gallery:
Giordano Biondi 'The Weight I Carry'
Many fetishistic images are outward in nature, as they grab and are grabbed, but some have instead become inward, sinking into different worlds, where the lifting of flesh carries notions of role and power, and shifts the nature of the gaze in the beholder and the beholded; images that don't talk about grabbing, but start to question what grabbing means.
Front gallery:
'Gone, not Begotten'
Curated by Michael Carolan
Six artists have been asked to either re-present and/or re-contextualise significant works from 2013. Or failing that. Make new works that re-present their practice.
The result. A jarring mix of media, imagery and scale that offer an uneasy contrast...just as something doesn't quite sit right in this (art) world of ours.
Beka Hannah
Caitlin Telford
Leonie Conellan
Michael Carolan
Paul Dew
Tul Suwannakit